The Three Grades of Perfection
1. God's great commandment could create in us a sense of confusion and
fear. “You are to be perfect,” He orders us, “even as your heavenly
Father is perfect.” (Mt. 5:48) Is it possible for weak creatures like us
to achieve the perfection of God Himself? At first sight this
commandment seems quite impossible, but it is possible for us to act
upon it with the grace of God. We must
understand it properly, in any case. We shall never reach divine
perfection, but we are obliged by Our Lord's command to strive towards
it constantly by every means in our power. Perfection should be our most
ardent desire, and not merely a theoretical ideal, but a practical aim.
This practical intention can inspire our entire life in such a way that
it will become a continual ascent towards sanctity and towards God. We
need never lose heart even when we suffer a set-back in our spiritual
progress. God allows us to fall so that we may be humbled and may place
our trust in His grace instead of in ourselves.
2. According to
St. Ignatius there are three grades of perfection. The first consists
in being ready to avoid mortal sin at all costs, even to the ultimate
sacrifice. Circumstances may require us to be martyrs for the faith by
being prepared to shed our blood rather than deny Jesus. Circumstances
may also require us to be martyrs for our Christian way of life by being
prepared to lose everything, health, fortune, and friendship, rather
than commit a mortal sin. We are all obliged to reach this first grade
of perfection. If anyone refuses to recognise this, he is already in a
state of mortal sin in so far as he is prepared to sin grievously rather
than make any real sacrifice. Such a man loves himself and his own
comfort more than he loves God.
The second grade of perfection
consists in a state of indifference to created things, to everything
except God, whether it is to health or sickness, wealth or poverty,
praise or blame, success or failure. All these things can be used
equally well in the loving service of God and in the salvation of our
souls. The first grade of perfection is based on the love of God. The
second is founded on the love of God alone, so that we are indifferent
to everything else as long as we love, serve and give glory to God. We
seek other things only in so far as they can help us to know and love
God better. We avoid them in so far as they can keep us apart from Him.
3. The third grade of perfection consists in preferring suffering to
pleasure, humiliations to honours, and the cross to an easy life. By
these means we imitate Christ better and show our love for Him. The way
of the cross is the way of Jesus and is the only path to holiness. It is
easier for those who walk this path to be detached from sin and from
the world and to remain close to Jesus. This is the way which the Saints
In which grade of perfection are we? Even if we are
still far from the peak of the third grade of perfection, we should
nevertheless work hard to reach it. It is particularly essential that we
should stand firm in the first grade by being faithful to the motto of
St. Dominic Savio: "Death rather than sin!"
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